Basic guidelines for online classes -Preparation
Released on April 30th, 2020
Here are tips on what to prepare before your online classes.
(1)Scheduling Zoom meetings
You will need to schedule "Zoom Meetings" for your classes.
(1-1) Sign in to Zoom
Launch the Zoom app and sign in
<< Caution >> Zoom settings
You may change settings on Zoom either on the browser or on the app. There are differences between what you can do on the browser and on the app. Basic features are available on both, but changing detailed settings would be easier on the browser.
(1-2)Click on the “Schedule” icon to schedule a new meeting
(1-3)Set meeting details
Include the class name and class number in "Topic" for students’ convenience.
Allow extra time before and after the actual class time (for students to sign in and out).
Select "Automatically generate" for "Meeting ID".
Be sure to set a meeting "password".
"Advanced options": Using “Advanced options” will decrease the risk of confusion.
If you check "Enable join before host", students can enter the meeting room before the instructor, where they can interact with each other while they wait for class to begin. For this purpose, you may want to set the start time earlier than the actual class time.
If you check "Mute participants upon entry", students' microphones will be automatically muted when they enter the room. This setting is recommended.
(1-4)Check the meeting URL
Copy the meeting URL that appears on the screen immediately after scheduling a meeting.
You may also look up meeting URLs by going to "Meetings".
Issue a different meeting ID for each class meeting ("Automatically generate" a meeting ID every time).
For security reasons, we recommend that you avoid using your individual meeting ID and instead issue a random ID each time.
Going to “Settings” on your browser (sign in from, you may choose whether to encrypt and embed a password in the meeting URL. Option 1: “Embed” a password in the URL and post it on kibaco (see (2)).
Option 2: Create a meeting URL without embedding a password and post it on kibaco. Let students know the password by e-mail or other means.
(2)What to do on kibaco before class
(2-1)Publish Zoom URL on kibaco’s "Announcement" section
Use kibaco's "Announcement" feature to post the URL for joining a Zoom meeting (following step (1)).
Change "Display setting" at the bottom at your convenience. You may create and save a draft and specify a publication date and time.
Turn on "Email notification". Notifications will be sent to registered students to their email addresses issued by the university. This will enable their access even if they cannot log in to kibaco on the class day.
Please publish this notice by the day before class if possible. This is to reduce the concentration of access to kibaco and to balance server load.
(2-2)Upload class materials and take-home assignments to kibaco
There may be cases where some students are unable to attend class due to video/audio disruptions and other communication problems. Please prepare and upload handouts to kibaco in advance so that those students can study independently when necessary.
The “Resources” feature is convenient for distributing handouts.
Use the "Assignment" feature to give take-home assignments.
Use the "Tests/Quizzes" feature to conduct quizzes and surveys.
(3)Test your microphone and camera
You can have a test meeting by visiting the “test meeting” page ( Check if your speakers, microphone, camera, etc. work properly.
You may also test them at "Video" and "Audio" on the Zoom app.